House Page Application

Please carefully review and complete the entire application. If selected, you will be notified of your appointment week at least one week in advance.

Contact the House Page Office if you have any questions: 919-733-5701

Are you related to a Member of the North Carolina Legislature?
Have you ever served as a House Page?
Have you ever served as a Senate Page?

In addition to the application, program applicants are required to submit a short essay. Students should draft an essay that describes their interest in, and reasons for, applying to the House Page Program. Specifically, the essay should answer the question, "Why do you wish to participate in the 2025 House Page Program?" It should be limited to 200 words, while thoroughly addressing the question.

Each applicant must provide a current color photo for the application to be considered complete. The photo should be appropriate for use for security and in an emergency. Images must be .jpg, .png, .gif, or .bmp formats and below 175 MB.

Page application photo

Please note that House Pages attend daily sessions of the North Carolina House of Representatives and committee meetings, all of which are livestreamed, recorded, posted on the North Carolina General Assembly webpage, and available for public viewing. While your child is serving as a House Page, others, including Members of the House of Representatives or the public may photograph your child. You and your child should discuss how to handle instances in which someone asks to take a photograph with your child while serving as a House Page.

You are the parent/guardian of the House Page Applicant.
Consent and permission for your child to participate in the North Carolina House Page Program.
All of the information provided above has been reviewed with the applicant.
Acknowledgement and agreement to the rules and guidelines set forth by the House Page Program.

Applicant Acknowledgement

Please carefully review the following information.

  • Program participants are expected to participate in all scheduled events and activities.
  • Participants are not permitted to leave any of the program activities without explicit authorization of the program advisor.
  • Program participants are expected to adhere to a professional dress code. Any House Page that does not comply with the dress code will be asked to correct their attire and may be barred from participation or sent home.
  • Program participants are responsible for all personal costs associated with participation in the program.
  • Program participants have the option to be paid a stipend or receive community service credit. Pages that opt for a stipend will be paid a total of $150.00 for one week of service. Pages who opt to receive community service will be credited 30 hours in accordance with that Page's school policy.
  • If the legislature adjourns prior to the completion of the program, the remaining appointments will be cancelled and affected program participants will be notified.

By signing below, I am acknowledging that I've read the information provided above and meet the age/grade requirements to be eligible to participate in the House Page Program. I attest that the information provided above is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. *